
Assessment Criteria



Expertise of Building Surveyors (30%)

●  The leading role of Building Surveyors in the nominated project
●  The use of professional expertise relevant to the Building Surveying discipline to achieve a quality result


Design & Innovation (25%)

● New design and/or innovative approaches are adopted for delivering a better outcome / result in terms of quality, functions, performance buildability and durability
● Site planning, neighborhood and cityscape considerations
● Solutions for challenges


Project Management (10%)

● Project management and organization, and integration
● Effective coordination of skillsets among members of the project team and with stakeholders
● Time management
● Budget management


Sustainability (10%)

● Building passive design
● The approaches that are adopted and used based on the principles of sustainability during the construction, management, operation and maintenance of the nominated project


Outcome & Achievement (25%)

● The indicators for measuring the success
● The measurement between the expectation and the results
● The challenges faced and overcame by the project team
● Recognition from stakeholders, communities and professional institutions in Hong Kong and/or overseas